Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Final Cover for "A Mage's Power"

This is it. This is going to be the cover for my debut novel ,Journey To Chaos book 1: A Mages Power.I love it and here's why:
1. It has a fantasy element but its a low key fantasy element for a low fantasy novel.
2. The picture links up with the title; reinforcing each other.
3. The mage references the protagonist and another central character.
4. The tri-color magic stream references a plot event and more metaphorically the entire series
5. It looks really freaking cool.

Travis Pennington, owner of probookcovers.com, created this fantastic work of art for me and he is a fantastic artist. Not only is he skilled he's quick with replies, quick with turnout, and patient with tweaks. On top of all that he charges an affordable rate. I'm glad he followed me on twitter so I could commission this from him.

He's quick with replies and turnout. I placed an order late one night and the very next day I received a reply asking for ideas. Important events; important images; something that would represent the story inside. I gave him a few and again, the next day, he delivered the first draft. It was amazing. If "A Mage's Power" were high fantasy instead of low fantasy I would have accepted that one and concluded our business. However, its not high fantasy so I asked him to tone the flash down. It was a list of five things that encompassed all but the fundamentals of the picture. Despite that he was back the next day with version 2 and it was greatly improved.  He was about 80 percent to perfect on the second try.

He's patient with tweaks. 'I'm not happy until you are'. Is on his website and he means it. He made five drafts before I was satisfied. Version 1-> Version 2 was the only major change. The next three were tweaks. I wanted something added in the background or I wanted this color changed or something wasn't the right color. After Version 3 I didn't email him for two weeks to gauge reaction to it and Version 2. Then I emailed him asking for another tweak and then a correction. He was prompt and polite every time.

He charges an affordable rate. All of the above cost me only $99. I thought the cost would be in the hundreds. Although I came in during a sale the regular price is still only $169. For such impressive work and unlimited revisions its well worth the price.

I am a satisfied customer. When I launch book 2, "Looming Shadow", I'm going to Probookcovers.


  1. Glad to see you kept the mountain. :)

    I left you an award at http://strandsofpattern.blogspot.com

  2. when is the second book coming out??

    1. Looming Shadow is in the revision process. It could be five or more months.
