Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everybody Wins

I've come to love being a book reviewer.  I wasn't sure what to expect when I signed up at Book Tweeting Service to volunteer, but now I see there was never a downside. I get a book I think I'll like, the author gets a free review (and since I read books I think I'll like, it's most likely to be a good review) and future readers can be assured of the book's quality. Everybody wins.

Right now I'm reading "Trapped on Draconia" by Dan Wright. Its a 'normal guy trapped on another world' sort of story which I've seen many times in anime and such. However, Mr.Wright has quelled my fears completely. I'll go into more detail during the formal review after I finish it; I'm on page 137 out 437.

Sometime this weekend expect a review for Henry Herz's Children's Fantasy, "Nimpentoad". Its not a novel so I'll be able to finish it quickly and turn out the review.

In the next month or so I'll start either "Light/Dark the Awakening of MageKnight' by Daniel Fife or "The Shadow of Black Wings" by James Calbraith. Both of them are fantasy with intriguing (or at least time honored) premises, so I'm looking forward to them.

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